Due to a power outage, the webinar will start 10 minutes late.


Monday, November 23rd 2020

14:00 CET

90 min

You have the chance to indicate what your priorities are and how we can lead the transition. Take the following steps to vote now:

  1. Go to www.menti.com & use code 74 01 77 3 or scan the QR Code
  2. Vote: You can access the 4 questions right now or answer during the live.
  3. Results will be shared and discussed during our live.



H.E. Marcos Galvão
Brazilian Ambassador
Thierry de l’Escaille
Secretary General of European Landowners’ Organization
Jonathan Brooks
Head of Division, Agricultural and Resources Policies OCDE
Nicola Di Virgilio
Seconded National Expert, DG AGRI
Anke Kwast
VP Climate Neutrality Roadmap at Yara International
Fabio Nehme
Senior Adviser to Indigo Agriculture on carbon markets
João Adrien
Farmer & special advisor to Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture
Marcio Albuquerque
President of the Brazilian Commission on Precision Agriculture and CEO of Falker
Eduardo Bastos
Head of the Sustainability Committee at Brazilian Agribusiness Association


Jurgen Tack
Jurgen Tack
Scientific Director, European Landowner’s Organization
Renata Maron
Renata Maron
Tv Presenter and Reporter, Terraviva